Bike bell

One of the most necessary accessories a that we can take on our bike is our bell or horn.

Wall hanger for bicycle Meollo

We use the bike sporadically or habitually in the city, we have to make ourselves heard and, if we are urbanist cyclists, that is to say if we usually face cars we will have to make ourselves heard loudly. As we have already indicated in our post about the best bicycle lights, letting yourself be seen and heard is essential when cycling. Today we are going to help you choose the best bell for our bike.

Wall rack for bike Meollo

Do I need a bell for the bicycle?

We know well that some cyclists, worried about their image, are reticent and are horrified by the simple idea of ​​adding to their handlebars a bell, a horrible horn or a bell. However, this element is more than a complement, it is part of the minimum safety of the bicycle and, in addition, it is possible to find models that will impress even the most demanding design lovers.
While it is not mandatory to have a bell on your bicycle in the United Kingdom, it is the law in some places (including Germany and parts of the United States). According to the Road Code of the United Kingdom, cyclists are advised to “be considerate of other road users, especially blind and visually impaired pedestrians, letting them know that they are there when necessary, for example by ringing the doorbell” . In many cases, a quick scream. or a polite ‘forgiveness’ can prevent a collision, the reflective habit of ringing the bell, combined with the fact that everyone knows that sound means that ‘approaching the bicycle’ should help avoid accidents. As anyone who has traveled through busy city streets or shared bicycles / pedestrians knows, the chances of someone getting in their way without looking are high, especially in the modern era of people who are attached to the streets. screens of your smart phones.

Wall rack for bicycle Meollo

In addition, a bell is strongly recommended for children and adolescents, whether they are on family outings or by bicycle to school. Acquiring the habit of warning others of your presence will not only help prevent accidents, it will also increase your awareness of the importance of safety and the need to be aware of other road users.

Types of bicycle bells: air horn

Within the world of bicycle bells, we find, first of all, the old model of the horn. On the one hand we have the most classic models that come with a plastic pear and make that funny noise similar to the braying of a donkey. They are quite garish, they attract attention and can be an option for those who have vintage bicycles.

However, in the option of air horn we find a technological development that we have loved. It is a step beyond the vintage horn, which includes a system that stores compressed air and that, when you press the button releases a very loud and powerful sound, similar to the boat speakers. We assure you that you will not go unnoticed with this system because it has left us deaf. It’s a bit bulky, but it’s worth it for noisy and dangerous environments. Cars with this will hear you for sure. It is also a very ecological model since it has no batteries but simply works with pressurized air reaching 120 decibels in some cases.

Types of bell for bicycle: metal bell

The models of metal bike bells are much more discreet but less noisy. While they will transport us directly to childhood and those summer bike rides, they are no guarantee that the cars will hear us. They are highly recommended for those cyclists who travel through pedestrian zones or by bike lanes in which they cross with many people. Its sound is pleasant and discreet, as well as sharp enough to be heard.

Types of bell for bicycle: futuristic rings

Another metal model, with a much more sophisticated mechanism is the rings that generate a magnificent sound and that combine features with a design from the year 3000. For those who love the simple lines and the lack of ornaments this type of bell bike comes like … ring finger? Bad joke! Sorry.

Types of bicycle bells: vintage models

Undoubtedly, at the style level, the prettiest tones are the old ones or those that imitate the old models. We must distinguish them because, if we go through one of the antique markets that are held in many cities – such as the Rastro de Madrid – we may be lucky to find a true old metal bell, precious and indestructible.


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